Gorgias & Stamped

  • Updated

The Stamped x Gorgias brings your reviews and loyalty data to your help desk. Key benefits of the integration include:

  • See the full picture
  • Reply to reviews 
  • Reply to questions 

Key Notes

  • Available on the Premium plan and above

In This Guide

Setting Up The Integration

  1. In Gorgias, go to Settings => Integrations
  2. Find and click on 'HTTP'


  3. Click on the 'Add Integration' button located at the top right of the page
  4. Fill in the following details:

    Integration Name:

    <Leave blank>

    Checked both options

    <Copy URL from Stamped => Integrations => Gorgias> 


    *Make sure that the URL contains {{ticket.customer.email}} at the tail end

  5. Click on the "Add integration" button
  6. Go back to "Tickets" in Gorgias
  7. Click on one of the tickets for a customer that has written a review before
    Note: Important! You will not be able to proceed unless the ticket belongs to a customer that has previously written a review
  8. Click on the "Edit widgets" icon located on the top right of the page


  9. Simply drag and drop Stamped to the right sidebar

  10. Click on "Save changes" button.

Moving forward when you view a ticket for a customer, the list of reviews written by the customer will be shown on the sidebar widget.

Replying to Reviews/Q&As in Gorgias

You can directly reply to any submitted reviews or Q&As through the notification emails that are sent to your Gorgias inbox. Here's more information on the feature:
Replying to notification emails in helpdesk apps

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