Showcase Reviews Widgets Outside of E-Commerce Platform

  • Updated

Follow this guide to learn how to display reviews outside of your ecommerce platform, such as WordPress, your blog, your landing pages, and more.

In This Guide

Adding Script Codes

Add the following script in your header HTML:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">
StampedFn.init({ apiKey: '##publicAPIKey##', sId: '##storeHash##' });  
// ]]>

Note: replace ##publicAPIKey## and ##storeHash## with your account's API Key and Store Hash

Follow this guide to find your account's API keys.

Installing Display Widgets

Add your display widget codes to where you want your reviews to be shown.

For example, add the following code to use the Full Page display widget:

<div id="stamped-reviews-widget" data-widget-type="full-page"></div>

You can check out the full list of display widgets in our Display Widget Showcase.

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