Loyalty & Rewards: Introduction

  • Updated

Welcome to Stamped 🎉

Stamped Loyalty is your platform to create points and rewards, a VIP program to reward your best customers, and a referral program. Stamped Loyalty improves your overall retention marketing strategy and drives measurable revenue. 

By the end of this guide, you'll understand the basics of a loyalty program with Stamped - keep in mind you can always reach out to us at support@stamped.io for help. Be sure to visit our Stamped Resource Hub for more helpful information

Key Notes

  • We are no longer supporting a dedicated integration with Magento and Stamped Loyalty 2.0. Stamped Loyalty 1.0 will continue to be live for Magento merchants until at least March 31, 2024. Magento merchants can also use the Stamped API Documentation for a custom implementation. Reach out to us at  with any questions.
  • The below guide provides instructions for both our Loyalty Classic and Loyalty 2.0 experience. We are migrating customers to Loyalty 2.0 throughout the coming months. If you're unsure which version you are on now, please first navigate here.

In this guide

Getting Started

Your first step is to create an account and choose the pricing plan that makes sense for your brand.

Once your account is created, you will need to install Stamped to your store.


  1. Go to the install page in your Stamped Dashboard.
  2. Use the guides here to install Stamped on your platform
    1. Shopify 
    2. BigCommerce
    3. Woocommerce
    4. Magento
    5. Custom platforms
  3. Stamped is available on all of the platforms above, but some features vary. Read our Dashboard limitations here.

Why Loyalty Matters?

With an estimated 12 to 24 million e-commerce businesses to choose from, customers hold greater purchasing power than ever before. Brands of all sizes are struggling to compete and successfully gain market share. But it’s not just about convincing new customers to make a purchase - it’s also about getting existing customers to come back.

Brands need to prioritize customer retention over customer acquisition if they want to keep costs low and profits high. Improving retention by even just 5% can drive profits up by over 25%. Meanwhile, it can cost as much as five times more to acquire a new customer than re-engage an existing one.

Simply put, focusing on customer loyalty increases profitability and in turn, leads to more resources and opportunities for growth.

đź’ˇ Check out this blog article for more reasons why loyalty matters!

Benefits of using Stamped Loyalty:

  • Increase your Average Order Value (AOV), Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), and Return on Investment (ROI)
    • When it comes to profit-focused metrics, brands should look no further than their average order value, customer lifetime value, and return on investment. Acquiring new customers can be expensive, as marketing and sales teams need to invest resources into identifying, targeting, and convincing leads to engage with their brand. And unless they take the time to develop a customer retention strategy, there’s no guarantee that their first purchase will lead to another.

      With the right motivation, brands can successfully convince existing customers to make another purchase. For example, they can up-sell and cross-sell related products based on their purchase history. They can also encourage existing customers to spend more by offering discounts that can only be applied when they reach a specific basket size.

      Points-based loyalty programs are an especially effective strategy for driving repeat purchases. To start, they give brands a legitimate reason to continue connecting with customers, reaching out to offer incentives like free products in exchange for another purchase. This encourages customers to come back so they can earn points for their incentive of choice.

      Loyalty programs also increase repeat AOV as well. Customers often end up spending more even after applying discounts, whether they’re purchasing larger quantities and/or buying more expensive products.

      đź’ˇ Check out how Kitsch uses Stamped Loyalty to increase their AOV by 30%

  • Builds meaningful relationships and drives new business
    • Loyalty initiatives like exclusive offers and rewards programs lead to deeper relationships with customers. These connections are crucial for building trust, driving repeat purchases and other desired conversions, and improving metrics like AOV and ROI. Loyalty customers are more likely to participate in your Referral program, turning word of mouth into a reliable and low-cost acquisition channel. 

  • Captures valuable feedback and nurtures product innovation
    • Loyal customers are more likely to leave product reviews. Offer points to your loyalty customers to increase the amount of reviews you are collecting. 
  • Enriches your customer data profiles
    • A loyalty program increases the number of touch-points with your customers, giving you more opportunities to collect zero and first-party data. Use this data to personalize and segment your marketing campaigns. 
    • đź’ˇ Learn more about data-driven marketing on our blog.


Stamped Loyalty has three core features:

  1. Points
  2. Referrals
  3. VIP


A rewards program incentivizes your customers for activities they complete by awarding points to your customers. With the accumulated points, they can redeem for attractive rewards or products that you determine. The rewards program is fully customizable.

Earning Points
Customers can earn points for doing specific actions that you included, e.g.

  • Making a purchase (e.g. 10 points for every $1 spent)
  • Liking your Facebook page
  • Sharing your Facebook page on their personal feed
  • Following your Instagram page
  • Submitting a review, uploading a photo or video, or submitting an answer to a community question 
  • and so much more!

Spending Points
Customers can redeem the points they accumulated for:

  • Fixed Discount Coupon
  • Percentage Off Coupon
  • Free Shipping Coupon

For more information about the Points Program, please refer to the Points Program guide.


You can reward customers for referring customers to their friends. Each customer has a unique referral link that they can share via FB, email or a direct link.  

When their friend signs up for an account and makes a purchase, the customer will receive the reward you specified and their friend will receive a reward as well.

Advocate & Friends Rewards

  • Fixed Discount Coupon
  • Percentage Off Coupon
  • Free Shipping Coupon
  • Points

For more information about the Points Program, please refer to the Referral Program guide.


A VIP program is a component of your loyalty program where brands offer benefits—discounts or access to exclusive goods, content, and other rewards—to a specific group of customers. The VIP program is for your top-tier customers and incentives further engagement. 

đź’ˇ Learn how Tony Ray Tattoos drives a 33% higher AOV using Stamped VIP. 

VIP is included in Stamped's Professional plan. 

For more information about the Points Program, please refer to the VIP Program guide.

Loyalty Launcher

Customers will be able to view their total points, referral link, redeem for rewards, and more via the launcher UI that will be added to the storefront.

The launcher is fully customizable to fit your branding with colors, background images, text, buttons, and more. The Launcher also allows customers to view all their previous orders AND allows them to submit a review, if it's not done yet.

Preview of an example launcher:


For more information about the launcher setup, please refer to the Launcher Setup guide.

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