Custom Forms Overview

  • Updated

Custom forms allow you to capture additional information on your customers or their product experience. For example, "Age Group", or "True to Size". Custom Forms can benefit your business in two main ways:

  • Allow you to customize your Reviews widget to allow prospective buyers to more easily find reviews that are relevant to them. For example, a beauty brand shopper may want to see reviews from those in their age group, or those with a similar skin shade. This significantly increases conversion on Product Detail Pages (PDP).
  • Collect valuable information from reviewers that can be used to effectively market to them later on, often paired with an email marketing tool or even Stamped's loyalty program. For example, a shoe brand might target customers who previously reported a shoe "Too Narrow" on the "Width Fit" question with a new release specifically tailored to a wider fit.

This guide is meant to explain the feature - for help setting it up via your dashboard, see this guide.

In This Guide

Example Of Custom Form In Review Request Email

Here's how the custom form questions will appear in the review request email:



If your store is selling apparel, for example, you can consider additional questions to collect data from customers regarding the fit:



For a store selling skincare products, you might want to understand attributes like age, gender, skin type, and specific results:


Example Layout Of Custom Form In Display Widget

Submitted reviews with custom form responses will be showcased in the Product Reviews widget:




Apparel example:

Custom form filters

*This feature is only available on Business & Professional plans.

Custom form responses can be displayed as filter options on the Reviews widget. This will only apply to custom forms using either the radio or scale question types.


You will find the settings to enable the display of custom form filters under  Settings - Main Widget - Options


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