Have reviews collected elsewhere and want to import those reviews to Stamped? Stamped lets you import reviews from any source via CSV.
Note: This guide is for preparing to import reviews manually. If you are migrating from one of the following review platforms, you can simply export from your platform and import into Stamped following the Part B: Uploading Reviews section.
- Yotpo
- Judge.me
- Loox
- Kudobuzz
- ShopperApproved
- Socialshopwave
- Shopify Product Reviews
In This Guide
How To Import Your Reviews
Part A - Formatting the CSV
- Directly copy this Google Sheet to your Google Drive and prepare the import file
- Fill in review details in the same format as the sample reviews
- Once you've done that, remove the sample reviews in rows #2 and #3. The import will not be successful if you don't remove these rows
- Make sure the date is in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS—for example, 2020-12-13 13:00:00
- Make sure the product ID is correctly entered, e.g., 44122744568127. Learn more in our guide linked here
- Download the formatted review data as a CSV
- Make sure there are no empty rows or duplicate entries.
- Make sure the date is in the required format (#3 above).
- You can choose to fill product_handle instead of product_id if you wish.
- The default headers in the template shouldn’t be changed or removed.
Part B - Upload Reviews
- Open a new browser tab and log in to Stamped
- Navigate to Importer > Reviews from the left navigation menu under Settings:
- Select Custom under Select provider source:
- Click Select file and upload your previously created CSV:
- Click Upload:
Your reviews are now imported! You can find them on the Reviews tab.
- Update the published column depending on whether you'd like to showcase a given review or not. For example, enter the value TRUE to set the review status as Published, and FALSE to keep a negative or misleading review unpublished.
- In the location column, you can either enter the full name or the country code (e.g., United States or US (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)).
- You can prepare the CSV using any editor or spreadsheet software, however, some programs like MS Excel tend to convert the values into scientific notation which might corrupt the intended format of certain fields (e.g., the required date format). We recommend using the above-linked Google Sheet instead and downloading to CSV.
Data Fields
The table here describes the headers of the CSV file (the top row) and the types of information that belong in each column:
Header Name | Description | Example |
product_id (Required) |
The product's numeric ID. Here's a guide to locating the Product ID for your platform. | 123456 |
product_handle (Optional) |
The product handle. Here's a guide to locating the product handle on your platform. | sweater-black |
productUrl (Required) |
The product URL for where to find the product page in your store. | https://ex.com/ products/sweater |
productImageUrl (Required) |
The image URL for the product. Unsure of how to get your product image URL? You can retrieve your product image URL by right-clicking on the product image, and selecting "Copy Image Address" as shown: |
photoFilenames *Only paid plans |
This is where you can enter a photo associated with the review. An Image URL is required for each photo. If there are multiple photos, separate each url with a comma. Note: i) A maximum of 3 photos is allowed for each review ii) You can upload the photos to the Shopify files section or file sharing service, like Dropbox, and copy the source link. |
https://ex.com/image.jpg |
videoFilenames *Business Plan & above |
Specify the URL of the video here, in exactly the same format as photo reviews ^. * Only one video is allowed for each review |
https://ex.com/video.mp4 |
productTitle (Required) |
The title of the product. | Wool Sweater - Black |
rating (Required) |
A scored rating of 1 - 5, where 5 represents most positive. | 5 |
title (Optional) |
Title of the review. | Fits perfectly! |
author (Required) |
Name of the reviewer. | John Doe |
email (Optional) |
Email address of the reviewer. * Will not be shown on display widgets |
johndoe@example.com |
body (Required) |
The main content of the review. | Incredible material quality and I love the fit! |
created_at (Required) |
The date and time when the customer submits the review. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
2022-12-12 12:00:00 |
published (Optional) |
TRUE: Reviews visible on site. FALSE: Reviews will be imported unpublished. |
reply (Optional) |
Response to the customer review. | Thank you for your kind review! |
replied_at (Required if "reply" is filled) |
The date and time of response to customer review. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
2022-12-13 13:00:00 |
publishedReply (Optional) |
FALSE: Replies will not be visible on the site. TRUE: Replies will be imported as published. |
tags (Optional) |
Tags to be attached to the review – more information on the feature. |
Jacket |
recommended (Optional) |
For reviews that recommend the product – more information on the feature. | TRUE |
votes_up (Optional) |
Number of upvotes for the review | 1 |
votes_down (Optional) |
Number of downvotes for the review | 2 |
location (Optional) |
Country of the customer. This can be either the full country name or the country code (e.g., United States or US (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)). | United States |
featured (Optional) |
TRUE: The review will be marked as featured – more information on the feature. | TRUE |
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