Import Review Request Emails

  • Updated

If you have retail orders or external orders from outside of your e-commerce platform, you can import these into Stamped to send review requests. Follow this guide to learn more!

Key Notes

  • This feature is available on all plans (free and paid)
  • If you have orders placed prior to installing Stamped and would like to send review request emails to your past customers, you can Import Past Order History

In This Guide

Importing Review Requests

1. Download CSV File (click here to view an example for reference)

2. Fill in the customer and order details

3. Import the CSV File to our app

Import Template Guideline

The table below describes the headers of the CSV file (the top row) and the types of information that belong in each column:

Header Name Review Request Information

email (required)

The customer's email address
firstName (required) The customer's first name
lastName (optional) The customer's last name
location (optional) City or Country
orderNumber (required)

An identifier number for the customer's order

*Note: Has to be unique for each order

orderId (required)

An identifier number for record

*Note: Has to be unique for each order

orderDate (optional)

The date of purchase

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

productId (optional)

A system-generated product identifier, not SKU

Here's a guide to finding the Product ID in your ecommerce platform.

productTitle (optional) The product's name
productImageUrl (optional) The web address of the product image

To get the product image URL:
1. Right-click on the product image
2. Copy Image Address


Product image URL example:
productUrl (optional) The web address of the product page
phoneNumber (optional)

The customer's phone number, which is required if you're sending review requests through SMS

*Note: the country code needs to be included in the phone number (eg. +112345678)

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