Uninstalling Stamped: Reviews and Loyalty

  • Updated

Before you make any changes to your subscription, we recommend reaching out to our team so we can answer any questions, solve any issues, and help you get the most out of Stamped!

Follow this guide if you still want to proceed with uninstalling Stamped.

In This Guide


Shopify 2.0 Theme

If your store is running on a Shopify 2.0 theme, removing the Stamped Reviews or Loyalty app from your Shopify admin will also remove our widgets from your app block and website, no additional action is required. 

Vintage Theme

If your store is running on a Vintage theme, you will need to remove any pre-installed widget codes. You may find Stamped codes in the following files of your theme: 

  • templates/theme.liquid
  • templates/product.liquid

  • sections/product-template.liquid

If you need assistance with locating any leftover Stamped code, or your codes were custom-installed, please contact our support team for assistance at support@stamped.io


Remove the widget script located in the Script Manager section to uninstall Stamped.

WooCommerce & Magento

Uninstall the plugin/module from your admin page to uninstall Stamped.

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