Visual UGC Curation

  • Updated

Stamped's Visual UGC Curation feature allows you to easily moderate your customer-submitted UGC from one place in the dashboard, instead of doing it one review at a time. Follow this guide to learn how!

Key Notes

In this Guide

Approving/Rejecting Photos & Videos

In your Stamped dashboard, go to the Visual UGC tab.

Here, you'll see 3 tabs labeled All, Photos and Videos - you can work from whichever tab you prefer.

Click on "Reject" or "Approve" under each photo or video to either reject or approve the content. Approved content will appear under the Approved section on the left-hand side, and rejected content will appear under the Rejected section. Rejected content can be restored back to the Pending section at any time.

Images can be rotated, but they cannot be cropped or resized. They will be displayed with the original dimensions the customer uploaded. 

Filtering Photos & Videos

You can filter your photos & videos by dominant colour, whether they include or exclude people and more. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time. 


Dominant Color

  • No dominant colours: no dominant colours have been selected
  • Colours: display content with the selected dominant colour (e.g. black, blue, brown)


  • Include Persons: display content with people
  • Exclude Persons: display content without people

Other Filters

  • Date Upload: filter to content uploaded within the set date range
  • Media Type: filter content by media type (i.e. photos or videos)

If you have your Instagram account connected and use the Instagram curation feature, you can also use the following filters:

  • Featured (Instagram): filter to content marked as "Featured"
  • Product tagged (Instagram): filter to content tagged with specific products

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