Drip + Stamped.io

  • Updated

With Drip Integration, you'll now be able to create automation emails to target specific customer groups based on their recent user-content submission.

For example, you can send a 'Thank You' email to the customer for a positive review, or, an 'Apology' email if the customer submitted a negative review.

In This Guide

Activating The Integration

  1. You will require 2 values in your Drip account to proceed with setting up the integration within Stamped:
    Account ID - This can be found under Settings - Account - General Info: https://www.drip.com/learn/docs/manual/settings/account
    API Key - This can be found under User Settings - User info: https://www.drip.com/learn/docs/manual/user-settings/settings

  2. Head over to the Apps page within Stamped's dashboard, look for the Drip integration option and paste the mentioned credentials:


  3. Click on 'Save' to complete the setup.

Sync Customer Properties

Once the integration is set up, you can proceed to click on the button 'Sync Customer Properties' to push the review data from Stamped over to Drip. They will be populated under the custom fields of each customer profile within Drip, this includes any custom form answers.
NOTE: This has only to be done once during the initial setup of the integration! Moving forward the sync will be automated.


Possible Tracking Events

These tracking events will be triggered and pushed to Drip once the integration is set up:

  • SubmittedReviewPositive
  • SubmittedReviewNegative
  • SubmittedReview
  • SubmittedReviewVideo
  • SubmittedReviewPhoto
  • SubmittedNPS
  • SubmittedQuestion

Here's an example of how the tracking event looks over in Drip's interface:


Sending a Review Link Using Drip

You can now send a review link using Drip with the following guide: Sending a Review Link Using Email Marketing Apps

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