Moderating Reviews

  • Updated

You can follow this guide to learn how to moderate your reviews including publishing, unpublishing, and archiving. 

In This Guide

Publish and Unpublish Reviews

Note: Unpublished reviews will not be factored into average review ratings in your widgets.

  1. Log into your Stamped Dashboard
  2. Under Moderation, click on the Reviews tab
  3. Select a review and click the crossed-out eye icon to publish your review
  4. The eye icon will turn green, which indicates that the review is now published on your website
  5. If you want to unpublish a review, click on the green eye icon to cross it out - this indicates your review is now unpublished on your website


Archive Reviews

Note: Archived reviews will not be factored into average review ratings in your widgets.

  1. Select the review that you want to archive
  2. Click on the Archive button on the top right

    Reviews Moderation 8.png

  3. The archived review will then appear under the Archived tab in the Moderation section
  4. You can publish an archived review in the future by navigating to the Archived tab and clicking Publish on the review.


Moderation in Bulk

Need to perform the above actions for multiple reviews at a time? Here's how to do it in bulk.

  1.  In the Reviews tab, click the checkbox under Filter. This will select all twenty reviews on the first page. If you want to select all reviews, click Select all 20+ results underneath.


2.  Click on More Actions and choose whether you want to publish, unpublish, archive, or delete the selected reviews



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