It is important to recognize the time your customers’ took to write the review and also let your customers know that you appreciate their time and effort. Should you wish to craft your own thank you page, you can redirect customers to the custom page after a review is submitted.
In This Guide
Setting Up The Redirection
- Settings - Customize - Reviews - Redirection
- Check the box to redirect the customer to the URL after the review is submitted
- Type the URL in the textbox ‘Reviewed Redirect URL’
- Click ‘Save’ button on the right side of the page
Note: In order to redirect customers to a specific URL, there must be an URL provided in the textbox
Setting Up A Redirection For Low-Rating Reviews
Apart from expressing your gratitude to your customers who have written a review, you may also choose to redirect customers who have given a low-rating review to another specific URL. The URL could redirect customers to an ‘apology’ page which comes with a discount coupon code greater than the incentive coupon.
Note: 1) In order to redirect customers to a specific URL for low-rating reviews, the check box for ‘Redirect to URL after a review is submitted’ must be checked. 2) If there is no URL set, the above URL (Reviewed Redirect URL) will be used
- Type the URL in the textbox ‘Reviewed Redirect URL for low rating (optional)'
- Click ‘Save’ button on the bottom of the page