Review Requests: Featured Item Logic

  • Updated

Our app's review email has been structured to highlight one item if there are multiple in the cart. This is to optimize the conversion rate and cater to mobile users. You can now decide how the featured item of the review email is picked by the app.

In This Guide

Settings - Customize - Reviews - Options


Types Of Logic Available

There are 3 types of logic available for you to select from:

  1. A.I Prioritize: The A.I picks one item based on a variant of factors such as current rating, review count, date of the last review, etc, and picks the most likely product to be reviewed by the customer.
  2. Highest Price: Picks the item with the highest pricing in the order to be featured for review.
  3. Least Reviews: Picks the item with the least review in the dashboard to be featured for review.


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