Review Requests: Featured Item Logic

  • Updated

By default, customers will only be prompted to review one main product in their review request email. This is determined by the Featured Item Logic. You can now decide how the featured item of the review email is picked by the app. Follow this guide to learn more! 

Key notes

  • This feature applies to users on all e-commerce platforms
  • If you're a Shopify user, you can also use tags to further customize how certain products are prioritized; visit our guide linked here

In this guide

Types of logic available

There are 3 types of logic available for you to select from:

  1. AI prioritize: Our AI picks one item based on a variety of factors such as current rating, review count, date of the last review, etc., and picks the most likely product to be reviewed by the customer
  2. Highest price: the highest-priced item in the order will be featured for review 
  3. Least reviews: the item in the order with the least reviews will be featured for review 


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