Review & UGC: Creating and Editing Layouts

  • Updated

Follow this guide to learn how to take the customization of your email templates one step further.

Key Notes:

  • Layout Editor is available on Business plans and above
  • View examples of great email layout design, created by Stamped users, here
  • If you're not familiar with CSS or HMTL languages, we recommend visiting to learn more as Stamped support for these customizations is limited

In This Guide

How To Create A New Layout

    1. Go to Settings - Layouts
    2. Select the layout of your choice by clicking "Edit". This will create a separate copy to be customized as you'd like, so don't worry about losing the default layout.

Editing Layouts


    1. Our layout editor accepts HTML/CSS (internal or inline)/Liquid, so you will either require prior knowledge before making any changes, or you will need to ask your developer for help.

      Note: The liquid code shown below {{review_form_##formType##}} contains the actual code of the template in the email sequence. Email us at if you want to modify the contents of the email sequence with coding.
    2. Give your new layout a title, then click on "Save as new template" once you're done editing the code. It will now be available as an option in your email sequence setting.

Available Layouts

The Layout Editor is available for the following email templates:

  1. Review requests
  2. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  3. Q&A
  4. Coupon

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