Reviews Plans & Billings: Upgrade or Downgrade your Plan

  • Updated

Each Stamped plan allows you to send a different number of monthly review requests to your customers. As your business grows, you may find yourself needing additional review requests, or you might want to upgrade to gain access to new features. Follow this guide to learn how to upgrade or downgrade your Stamped subscription plan.

  • If you'd like to downgrade to our free Starter plan or cancel your subscription, please visit our guide linked here.
  • To learn more about monthly review request limits, take a look at our guide linked here.

In This Guide

Upgrade Your Plan

  • Navigate to Settings - Plans from the menu on the left side of the page and click Change Plan

    Plan Upgrade 1.png

  • Click on the Reviews & Ratings, Loyalty & Rewards or Full Suite plan sections to view the available plan options

    Plan Upgrade 2.png

  • Select the plan that you would like to upgrade to by clicking on it, and then click Change Plan at the bottom of the page
  • You'll be directed to a confirmation page that shows your current plan and the selected new plan; click Continue with Upgrade when you're ready

    Plan Upgrade 3.png

Downgrade Your Plan

Before you downgrade your plan, we'd love to hear from you and work together to overcome any obstacles you might be encountering with your current plan. Reach out to us at and we will do our very best to assist you!

The process of downgrading your plan is identical to the steps shown above; you'll simply choose the plan you'd like to downgrade to and confirm your selection. In the confirmation stage of your plan selection, you'll be shown which features will become unavailable.

Plan Upgrade 4.png

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