Klaviyo + Stamped Loyalty & Rewards

  • Updated

With Klaviyo Integration, you'll now be able to create an automated email to target specific customer groups based on their recent Loyalty & Rewards events.

For example, you can send a 'Happy Birthday' email to the customer on their birthday.

It's also possible to include the customer's balance rewards points, VIP tier, or Referral Link as a section in your email template, to be used in campaigns.

Note: The integration is available on the Business, Professional, and Enterprise plan 

In This Guide

Activating The Integration

  1. In Klaviyo Settings, find and copy the Public API Key / Site ID + Private API key for Stamped: 
  2. Paste the API Key in https://go.stamped.io/v3/#/settings/apps/klaviyo
  3. Save and done.


When a new review is received after the integration has been enabled, a "Custom Event" will be created in the Customer's Klaviyo profile.

Customer Events & Properties

Loyalty Customer Properties

stamped_account_confirmed Boolean value that determines whether or not a customer has an account with the merchant.
stamped_rewards_created_date The date the customer’s account was created with the merchant.
stamped_rewards_birthday The date of the customer’s birthday.
stamped_rewards_points Current loyalty points balance of the customer.
stamped_rewards_vip_tier Current VIP tier of the customer.
stamped_rewards_referral_link The url that enables a customer to refer new business to the merchant.
stamped_last_activity_date The date of the last activity taken by a customer. This can help determine whether they are still an active member of the loyalty program and engaged with the Merchant’s products or might be churning.
stamped_points_expiry_date The date the customer’s points will expire if they take no further action. This date will move into the future synchronously alongside “stamped_last_activity_date”.
stamped_current_tier_entry_date The date a customer entered their current VIP tier.
stamped_next_tier_name The name of the VIP tier above the customer’s current status.
stamped__tier_downgrade_date The date a customer will downgrade from their current VIP tier if they take no further action.
stamped_discounts_ready_to_use List of coupon codes that the customer has already redeemed for points but has not used with an order.
stamped_rewards_referral_code The customer’s code to refer new business to the Merchant.
stamped_rewards_last_redeemed_points_date The date a customer last exchanged their points for rewards.
stamped_lifetime_points_spent The total number of points a customer has spent over all interactions with this merchant.
stamped_lifetime_points_earned The total number of points a customer has earned over all interactions with this merchant.

Loyalty Events

Event Description Properties
EarnAccountNew This event fires when a customer earns points for creating an account -activity_title

EarnAccountBirthday This event fires when a customer earns points for their birthday -activity_title

EarnAccountAnniversary This event fires when a customer earns points for their account creation anniversary -activity_title

PointsExpired This event fires when a customer's points expire due to inactvitiy -last_activity_at
earnOrderNew This event fires when a customer earns points for making a purchase -activity_title

spendRewardRedeemed This event fires when a customer redeems points for a coupon -activity_title
earnOrderCount This event fires when a customers earns points for the total number of orders rule -activity_title

earnOrderAmount This event fires when a customers earns points for the total order value rule -activity_title

refundOrder This event fires when a customer has a refunded order and points earned are returned -activity_title
purchasedWithReward This event fires when a customer makes a purchase with a coupon code applied -activity_title
couponExpired This event fires when a customer's coupon expires -coupon_created_at
earnReviewNps This event fires when a customer earns points for completing an NPS survey -activity_title

earnQuestionAnswer This event fires when a customer earns points for submitting an answer to a question submitted by another customer -activity_title

earnReview This event fires when a customer earns points for submitting a review -activity_title

earnPhotoReview This event fires when a customer submits a photo with a review -activity_title

earnVideoReview This event fires when a customer submits a video with a review -activity_title

referralShared This event fires when a customer shares their referral link with a friend -activity_title
ReferralReceived This event fires when the friend recieves the referral link -activity_title
referralClaimed This event fires when the friend accepts the referral -activity_title
referralCompleted This event fires when the friend completes a purchase with the referral coupon code -activity_title
earnSocialFollowFacebook This event fires when a customer follows you on Facebook -activity_title

earnSocialFollowInstagram This event fires when a customer follows you on Instagram -activity_title

earnSocialFollowTwitter This event fires when a customer follows you on Twitter -activity_title

earnSocialShareTwitter This event fires when a customer shares on Twitter -activity_title

earnSocialShareFacebook This event fires when a customer shares on Facebook -activity_title

earnSocialYoutube This event fires when a customer follows you on Youtube -activity_title

earnNewsletter This event fires when a customer subscribes to your newsletter -activity_title

Creating a Segment to Filter for Tracking Events

You can create a segment in Klaviyo to group the customers according to the events (customers who submitted a positive review in one segment, negative review in another etc.)

  1. Head over to Lists & Segments under the left menu:


  2. Create a new segment:


  3. Select "What someone has done (or not done)" under the definition drop-down list, which filters for tracking events:
  4. Search for Stamped's tracking events, which will be under the API category:


  5. Fill up the rest of the details for the segment as required.

Here's a detailed guide from Klaviyo on creating a segment: https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005237908-Create-a-Segment

Common Use-case and Example

- Create a flow to send an email for new customers who have signed up for the Loyalty & Rewards program:


- Create a flow to send an email when customers have redeemed points for rewards:


Including Customer Properties Into The Email Template

These properties will be pushed to Klaviyo customer's profile:

  • stamped_rewards_birthday
  • stamped_rewards_points 
  • stamped_rewards_referral_link
  • stamped_rewards_vip_tier
  1. Click on a text-block of your email template where you would like to include the properties:


  2. Click on the "Insert Property" dropdown box


  3. Enter "stamped_rewards" in the search field for easy access to the available customers' properties for our Loyalty & Rewards program
  4. Select the customer property that you would like to include in your email
  5. Click on the Save button.

Common Use-case and Example of Customer Properties

- Reminder email to Loyalty & Rewards customers to shop and spend their points if they have not made a purchase in 6 months, with the customer's current points pulled into the email:

1. Create a segment for Loyalty & Rewards customers who have not shopped in your store for the last 6 months:


2. Create a flow with the segment created above, followed by an email


3. Use the customer properties ( stamped_rewards_points) in the email to dynamically update and display the point that your customer has



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