Loyalty & Rewards: Importing Customer Data & Points and Deleting Customers

  • Updated

This guide outlines how you can import existing customer data and points to Stamped, and how customers are deleted. 

The below guide provides instructions for both our Loyalty Classic and Loyalty 2.0 experience. We are migrating customers to Loyalty 2.0 throughout the coming months. If you're unsure which version you are on now, please first navigate here.

Key Notes

  • For any email address that matches existing customer profiles in the account, the import points will be added to the current balance instead

In This Guide

How to Import Your Customers And Points

Loyalty Classic

  1. Download the CSV file at Settings - Importer, under NOTE section: Import_Points1.png
  2. Fill in the customers and points details *Please limit each import file to a maximum of 5000 rows*
  3. Import them to our app by going to Settings - Importer
  4. Upload CSV file Import_Points2.png

If you are having an issue with the import process, please email us at support@stamped.io and our support team will be happy to assist you.

Loyalty 2.0

  1. Download the CSV file at Settings > Importer, under the NOTE section: 
  2. Fill in the customers and points details 
  3. Import them to our app by going to Settings > Importer, selecting your saved file and clicking Upload

If you are having an issue with the import process, please email us at support@stamped.io and our support team will be happy to assist you.


CSV Template Guidelines

The table below describes the headers of the CSV file (the top row) and the type of information that belongs in each column:

Header Name Description Example
first_name First name of the customer John
last_name Last name of the customer Doh
email Email address of the customer johndoh@example.com
points Replaces points total (must be a whole number) 5000
add_points Adds points to the current total 1000
birthday Birthday of the customer 1990-10-24
vip_tier  Membership tier (Mandatory field for VIP Program) Gold


Deleting Customers (Shopify Only)

Customers cannot be deleted from the Stamped dashboard. Instead, you will need to delete the customer profile from your Shopify account. Once deleted, the changes will sync to Stamped as seen in the following example:


Deleted customers will no longer earn points for activities or be eligible for emails sent from Stamped.

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